The Papers of Annie Peck Smith


The Papers of Annie Peck Smith


Peck Collection is comprised of the papers, correspondence and memoriabilia of Annie Smith Peck. Though the collection primarily deals with her papers and life's work as a lecturer and mountain climber, it also contains the papers of Alexander and Elizabeth Dean Kadison, who were commissioned by Miss Peck to write her biography. Miss Peck's correspondence is extensive and contains no gaps in the chronology .

16.5 cu.ft. (33 boxes).

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 7320115

Brooklyn College

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Kadison, Alexander. (person)

Peck, Annie S. (Annie Smith), 1850-1935 (person)

Annie Smith Peck (b. Oct. 19, 1850, Providence, RI–d. July 18, 1935, New York, NY) grew up in Providence, RI and graduated from Rhode Island Normal School (1872); Peck wanted to attend Brown University but was not allowed as a woman. She briefly taught Latin at Providence High School before moving to Saginaw, MI to teach. She enrolled at the University of Michigan and earned a bachelors degree (1878) and a master's degree (1881). In 1885, Peck became the first woman to attend the American School...